Personal therapy is a term that we use to describe a central part of sports medicine: it doesn't matter whether your metabolism is sick or your musculoskeletal system gets injured, the rest of your body should be moved in a targeted manner. And these effects will help you with your therapy and also ensure a significantly better body feeling.
Together we will tackle the organs that need to be healed and, in particular, train the rest of your body!
Together we will address the metabolic systems that need to be healed and, in particular, train the rest of your body!
Together we will tackle your body that needs to be healed and talk about using better nutrition!
As a sports medicine doctor and personal trainer, I combine the two sides that always filled me with question marks when I used to write physiotherapy prescriptions. As a doctor, it was not permitted to tell a patient which physiotherapist was the right one to treat their illness or accident. This would have ensured that the patient received the best treatment. Unfortunately, I experience this again and again every day in the Physioteam Gertigstrasse. Ask patients at reception with their KG or MT prescription whether they could simply do a massage and fango?
My personal answer to this is: NO! The colleague will - hopefully - have thought about it and consciously wrote down and prescribed KG or MT. From my point of view, it is pleasant to 'have a massage and relax in the warmth', but the cause of the current illness will certainly not disappear in the long term. That's why I'm taking a different path with you, your path that lets you learn again to hold your body in your own hands, to move yourself in a targeted manner and feel good and comfortable afterwards. And this will be sustainable so that you don't get sick again because of the same diagnosis and we have to start all over again.
I look forward to talking to you about this!
Personal therapy simply means: your personal whole-body movement therapy tailored to you and your body! Everyone has probably been treated at some point and hopefully you learned something that would help you successfully eliminate similar symptoms today. This is my goal in our therapeutic work: I will accompany you to your doctor's acute therapy with a prescription, and I will be happy to continue it or refresh what you have learned with you.
The two of us meet and calmly discuss how you are doing, how this came about, what is or has already been done and you tell me what your goal is. Then we'll get to work on your body: I'll explain to you what the cause of your symptoms is, how they can be eliminated and how you'll feel free and enjoy moving again. In our joint sessions, I motivate you to move actively and check your posture, the position of your joints and your muscle tension. This will help you learn to move yourself again and help you understand why this path will help you in the long term!